
How to Enjoy Nature in Winter

Ripple Creek Homes knows how important it is for people to be close to nature. That is why we choose to build in neighborhoods that are surrounded by natural beauty. But when it is cold out and all the greenery is hibernating, how can you and your family still enjoy the loveliness of nature? Here are a few ways.

Bird Watch

We may not get a ton of snow here in Oklahoma, but on days that we do or on days when it is exceptionally cold, you can still enjoy watching the beauty outside. While most birds fly to warmer climates during the Winter, there are over 100 varieties of birds that stick around Oklahoma during the colder months. Stay warm and toasty in your home while watching the pretty visitors that come by your windows when you are stuck inside.


People continue to hike in all sorts of conditions. And because we do not usually have to fight against snow in OK, bundling up and going for a refreshing hike is still enjoyable in Winter. A trip around Lake Arcadia is always pleasant or do a quick search of nearby trails to find one that appeals to you.

Ice Skate

Many public hubs, such as malls or zoos, will designate an area for an ice-skating rink. This is such a fun Winter activity that adults and young ones alike can get into. Of course, there are so many activities that you can do with your family inside to pass the dreary days, but anytime you can get outdoors and stretch your legs is surely a welcome change.

Visit a Nature Center

Another nature outing option is to take a trip to visit a nature center. A day at the butterfly pavilion or the Myriad Botanical Gardens can provide you and your family with a whole day of fun. Check the Myriad Botanical Gardens’ website for special events and classes so you can plan your visit around them.

For more information to help you survive the Winter, check out some of our other blogs! From hearty meal ideas to organizing, we have got you covered.

By Ripple Creek Homes 12-26-2019

How to Organize Your Laundry Room

Ripple Creek Homes believes you should not have to sacrifice functionality for style. That is why we love to build thoughtfully designed laundry rooms, equipped with plenty of workspace and storage areas. But everyone knows that a “lived in” look is not difficult to achieve when you lead a busy life. Things get cluttered, it happens. But with these super simple tips, you can get your laundry room in order and keep it that way.

Baskets and Bins

One of the easiest ways to make everything neat and tidy is to give everything a designated place. So, jaunt on down to Target, (you know you wanted to anyway) and pick up whatever baskets you like. A row of matching baskets is sure to bring a smile to your face every time you pass them. Group similar items in the same basket, like guest towels in one and detergent and fabric softener in another.


Along with your convenient row of baskets, take your organization to the next level by labeling them. This way you do not have to reach and pull multiple containers out until you find the thing you are looking for. It is also not a bad idea to keep things you use more frequently at arm’s length and less used items on higher shelves.

Use Jars

If you are really wanting to put a pretty face on this functional space, ditch the containers your soaps and things come in. Instead, use glass or decorative jars to store powdered detergent, clothes pins, and more!

Make a Lint Box

For a quick and easy way to dispose of fuzzy lint from your dryer, make a wall hanging lint box. Simply take a plastic or metal file box, decorate it to your style, and hang up near your dryer. Voila!

Bring in Bookshelves

If you are lacking shelving and space for storage in your laundry room, an easy fix is to place bookshelves in an unused corner of the room. You may be amazed at how adding just a few extra shelves can easily clean up your space.

The battle with laundry is never ending, especially if you have a family. But hopefully by incorporating a few of these tips, you can make this necessary chore just a little bit easier. From lawn care to family fun ideas, our blogs are full of useful information for homeowners. Feel free to hang out for a while and give our other blogs a browse.

By Ripple Creek Homes 12-5-2019



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